Its friday crack open a cold one morgue picture
Its friday crack open a cold one morgue picture

She woke up at the funeral home and scared the ever-loving hell out of the assistant. She had been in a coma or something and they had been sure she had passed on earlier that morning. Turns out, old lady wasn’t dead, hospital got it wrong (hooray 1950s medicine). He marches over, very funny you dick, yanks back the sheet covering the dead lady expecting to find the mortician somewhere around her….Dead lady grabs the guy’s wrist….He lets out this scream and bolts for the door. His first though was the mortician was fucking with him, he has been shaken all evening and this asshole is pranking him. Short time passes and it is louder, at this point he is sure he isn’t just imaging things, he knows he heard the dead lady moan. He hears it again, little louder than last time, it is late, he is alone, he is just hearing things, probably just the pipes settling, the plumbing is old after all. Suddenly he hears this low, soft moan….He swears it is just his mind playing tricks on him, goes about his business. He goes about his work, still a little freaked out. Later in the evening, mortician has to step out for a bit, leaving guy there alone with the dead lady. They pick her up, guy is freaking out, says he has a bad feeling. Earlier in the evening, they get a call from the hospital saying that they have a lady there ready for pickup. Dude is often weirded-out at work, claims that the building is haunted.

its friday crack open a cold one morgue picture

He works the graveyard shift, all was well for the first few months. Guy she knows takes a job with the local funeral home.

its friday crack open a cold one morgue picture

“Not a mortician, this comes from my mother back when she was a teenager. Dead lady grabs the guy’s wrist….He lets out this scream and bolts for the door. I finished as a student a few days after but would still love to be in that career, though.”ĥ. We ended up getting a letter of complaint from other members of the family for the open casket. The day we delivered him to the funeral parlor, family changes their mind and has open casket anyway… found out rest of family didn’t know he shot himself in the face. Dad came in, sees that no matter how we tried we couldn’t make him look the same as before and agrees that family shouldn’t see him this way. Had to try our best then ask one family member in to see if they still wanted open casket because we just didn’t feel like it was right. I’d never dealt with anyone dying in the hour being brought in so it was scary hearing this body ‘breathing.’ I’ve been there when family members have passed and witness breathing and limbs moving so I know it’s normal but as a student, the staff like to fuck with you.īizarre one was piecing a guy back together after he committed suicide by gunshot to the face. On my first night shift I thought staff were fucking with me because I kept hearing what sounded like breathing…fresh body brought in and was releasing gas. “I was a student at the time but my first-ever bloater was brought in and once we ‘popped’ him insides were outsides and everywhere. I kept hearing what sounded like breathing…fresh body brought in and was releasing gas. I still get the willies thinking about all those bugs pouring out, running around on the floor, flying around the room, etc.”Ĥ. Maggots, beetles, flies, roaches, everything.

#Its friday crack open a cold one morgue picture full#

Body was absolutely full of all manners of insect life. This person was a hoarder, house was FULL of old cans of cat food, newspapers going back decades, and VHS porn tapes.ĭid the autopsy that afternoon in a special containment room. Cops had found the owner who had died three weeks prior, in the middle of summer. We got called to a house that had been reported to have a horrible smell coming from inside. “On a pathology rotation at the county medical examiner’s office in medical school. I still get the willies thinking about all those bugs pouring out, running around on the floor, flying around the room. He just looks at me and says ‘they do that sometimes.’”ģ. Had a corpse sit up on one of the gurneys while mid-conversation.

its friday crack open a cold one morgue picture

Hanging out in the morgue picking the brain of the guy on shift during graveyard at Martin Luther. “Was an EMT that got access to bunch of places and experiences ’cause I am me.

its friday crack open a cold one morgue picture

Cause of death was putting on makeup while driving, i.e., lipstick!”Ģ. After they X-rayed the body, they found a tube of lipstick in her brain. She had run into a large tree head-on 75 MPH. “Transported a 60-year-old woman to the morgue after a severe car accident. Cause of death was putting on makeup while driving.

Its friday crack open a cold one morgue picture